A tragic incident has occurred in Buner, Pakistan, where a 40-year-old female teacher lost her life in a shocking act of violence. The victim was fatally shot in front of her father after refusing a marriage proposal. The assailant managed to escape following the attack, which took place in the Jangdara Totalai area.
This case has sparked outrage among teachers’ organizations, who have planned protests in response. Local law enforcement has initiated an investigation and filed an official report (FIR) on the matter.
The victim’s father revealed that this wasn’t the first time the accused had targeted the teacher. A previous attack had been reported to the police, but apparently, no substantial action was taken at that time.
This distressing event is part of a broader pattern of violence against women in the region. Similar incidents have been reported recently:
- In Mardan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on June 8, another female teacher was killed in an “honor” killing for choosing her own marriage partner.
- On June 4 in Vehari, two sisters were murdered, also in the name of “honor,” for marrying according to their own wishes.